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1200 W Causeway Blvd Suite 12
Mandeville, LA 70471
United States


Serenity Home and Gifts was established in 2006 and specializes in quality Louisiana themed items. We seek out the fun, unique and useful items for you.

St. Patrick's Day

Irish Beaded Martini Glasses

Irish Martini beaded earrings
Irish Martini beaded earrings

Irish Beaded Martini Glasses

  • Loving these new adorable green martini and shamrock beaded earrings! These cuties are beaded with a shamrock on the rim of the glass.

  • Just in time for St Patrick's Day and the wearing of the green! Everyone gets to be Irish for St. Pat's Day. These beaded martini and shamrock earrings are sure to make a statement and receive plenty of compliments.

  • Made with green, gold, black and white seed beads and silver, black and green cord, and green bugle beads. The beading is on a green felt backing so the earrings are soft and lightweight.

  • The martini glasses dangle from a post style earring with a push back closing.

  • The earrings measure 2" in length and 1 1/2" across. Would look great with our shamrock leggings and one of our St. Patrick's Day masks.

  • Our martini and shamrock earrings are just adorable and perfect for St. Patrick's Day!

  • Add to your jewelry collection or they make a great gift.

  • Earrings ship in 1 - 3 days.

  • All components are lead and nickel free.

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