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1200 W Causeway Blvd Suite 12
Mandeville, LA 70471
United States


Serenity Home and Gifts was established in 2006 and specializes in quality Louisiana themed items. We seek out the fun, unique and useful items for you.

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day Hand Towel

St. Patrick's Day hand towel
St. Patrick's Day hand towel

St. Patrick's Day Hand Towel



- Art of all things Irish - including a pot of gold, top hat, clovers, horse show and Irish flag!

- Art printed on towel through a high heat process that is permanent

- Made of spun polyester

- Measures 20"L x 19"W

- Machine washer safe - art will not fade or bleed

- Wrinkle free - no need to iron

- Locally made item

- Towel has a nice weight to it

- Perfect addition to your St. Patrick's Day decorations

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