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1200 W Causeway Blvd Suite 12
Mandeville, LA 70471
United States


Serenity Home and Gifts was established in 2006 and specializes in quality Louisiana themed items. We seek out the fun, unique and useful items for you.

St. Patrick's Day

Lucky Dog St Patrick's Day Socks

St Patrick's Day socks
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St Patrick's Day socks
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Lucky Dog St Patrick's Day Socks

  • Such cute socks for St. Patrick’s Day

  • Lucky dog wearing is top hat and tie

  • Dark green background with shamrocks scattered around along the pup

  • Green toes and trim with yellow heels

  • Men’s shoe size 10-13 and sock size 6-12.5

  • Made of 70% cotton, 25% polyester and 5% spandex

  • Super comfy

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