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1200 W Causeway Blvd Suite 12
Mandeville, LA 70471
United States


Serenity Home and Gifts was established in 2006 and specializes in quality Louisiana themed items. We seek out the fun, unique and useful items for you.

Mardi Gras Jewelry

Mardi Gras Crawfish Earrings

mardi gras crawfish earrings
mardi gras crawfish earrings
Sold Out

Mardi Gras Crawfish Earrings

  • Loving these new red beaded crawfish Mardi Gras earrings!

  • Our crawfish earrings measure 2 3/4”L x 1”W

  • So cute and perfect for Mardi Gras season. These large beaded statement earrings are sure to make a statement and receive plenty of compliments.

  • Made with red and yellow seed beads, metallic red and yellow thread. Is there a better combination then crawfish and Mardi Gras.

  • The crawfish are wearing a crown and a mask to celebate Mardi Gras. The beads are on a red felt backing so the earrings are soft.

  • The earrings are a post style with a push back style closure.

  • Our earrings would look adorable with a pair of our leggings.

  • Our mardi gras crawfish earrings are just adorable and perfect for the Mardi Gras season

  • Earrings ship in 1 - 3 days. All components are lead and nickel free.

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