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1200 W Causeway Blvd Suite 12
Mandeville, LA 70471
United States


Serenity Home and Gifts was established in 2006 and specializes in quality Louisiana themed items. We seek out the fun, unique and useful items for you.

Crawfish Face and Body Glitter

Crawfish & Crabs

Crawfish Face and Body Glitter


Crawfish Face and Body Glitter


How adorable is this crawfish face and body glitter!

Just in time for crawfish season in Louisiana

Shades of blue, red and white - fine and chunky glitter

Made with cosmetic grade aloe vera gel

10ml container

Use the included spreader to apply the glitter

Put on face, body and hair but not close to the eyes - not for use on eye lids as it may get in your eyes

I would also not use on children or pets because of the risk of glitter getting their eyes

Made locally

Secure the lid tightly and store in the refrigerator to extend the life of your glitter indefinitely

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